Thursday 17 October 2013

Rising up to our potential - Assembly II B

 I Have The Right To Explore Learning And Make The Best Use Of My Potential!
-Ms. Sunita D’Souza

St. Joseph’s High School
27th August 2013

The two comperes dressed in formal attire, warmly welcomed everyone, especially the guests Ms. Nicole Britto (Vice-Principal) and Mrs. Matilda Fernandes (Head teacher), in the school hall.  The backdrop held a cut-out of the sun in the centre with its rays pointing to the following messages - ' Be Active', 'Be Safe', 'Be Respectful', 'Be Up-To-Date', 'Be Punctual', 'Clean Well', 'Not To Interfere'! The panels on either side of the stage held the words,  'Co-operate with your teachers' and 'Be on time'.
The skit presented by the students was a beautiful depiction of some scenes in the classroom that gave some wonderful messages to the audience - completing work, prayer time and punctuality, handling disturbance in class and being aware that competitions benefit us. Some students held banners during each scene such as - ' Work - Keep It Up-To-Date', 'Be Punctual', 'Do Not Interfere With Others' and 'Co-operate with Teachers' and 'Be Involved In Activities'. A group of students provided examples of activities like sports, drawing, singing, dancing, etc. where they were presented with opportunities to make the best use of their potential.
The group of students who sang the song, 'It's I Who Builds Community' melodiously sang the lyrics as they built it up with the words 'It's You', 'It's We', 'It's Love', 'It's God' to express their desire to bring about a positive change in the community together! One of the students held the banner with the words - 'Let's Work Together and Help Each Other.'
Through the power-point presentation, two students exhibited the rights and responsibilities that every student must practise daily. 
They highlighted the following -
I have the responsibility to co-operate with teachers and other students to make sure that lessons proceed effectively,
I have the responsibility to keep up-to-date with required work, 
I have the responsibility not to interfere with other students' right to learn, 
I have the responsibility to be punctual, to attend school and to take part in activities that will be of benefit to me.
Ms. Nicole then addressing the students described the true meaning of the word 'potential'. She got the students to name the activities that they were interested in - playing football, drawing, singing, dancing, etc. These she said, along with one conducted by the students of Std. II B, are examples of opportunities presented to us to maximize our potential. She congratulated the class teacher and all the students of Std. II B for their beautiful presentation of the theme for the week. She stated that every student has the right to explore learning and make the maximum use of his potential.
The yellow house students were congratulated by Ms. Nicole and awarded certificates for winning the Friday weekly activity:  Stds. I & II - 'Stepping Stones', and Stds. III & IV - 'Paper Blowing'.    
The assembly ended with the singing of the school anthem.

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