St. Joseph's High School,
16 Dec 2013
It's that time of the year that is eagerly awaited - for the Christmas tree, the Christmas crib, the festivities; above all the Christmas spirit of giving. A detailed program has been planned for the entire school beginning from today - our little way of welcoming the baby Jesus at our place and into our hearts.
Christmas Celebrations 2013
(16th - 20th December, 2013 )
Teachers in charge: Ms. Joanna, Ms.
Rina, Mrs. Pavita, Mrs. Cressieda
Christmas Message – all classes from (I –X) will
prepare 2 Christmas messages on chart paper. These will be displayed on the
notice boards and other places in the school. This should be submitted in the
science lab in the 1st period on Tuesday, December 17th,
Prayer Partners – Prayer
partners will be decided by drawing of lots in each class on Friday, December
13th in the afternoon. Students will pray for the concerned classmate
throughout the week.
Christmas bookmarks – These have to be prepared on
Wednesday 18th December, in the 6th and 7th
periods using eco-friendly materials only. The size of the bookmark shouldn’t
be more than 2 inches wide and 5 inches long. These will be judged, who will
select the best 5. Class teachers may then return these to the students as they
have to gift the bookmark to their respective prayer partners.
Good Deed Nosegays - Every student will have to pick out
a flower from the Good Deed Nosegay kept near the class crib. The nosegay will
be passed around each morning for students to pick a flower and read the good
deed attached to it. After reading the suggested good deed for the day, the
flower should be replaced in the nosegay. The student should attempt to
practice that good deed during the day as his gift to Baby Jesus. This practice
will continue throughout the week.
Star (Secondary – 6 students per class.
Sticks will be provided.) Other eco-friendly materials have to be arranged by
the class. Only eco-friendly materials and waste materials should be used. Time
will be given from Monday to Wednesday, i.e. Dec. 16th to 18th
for the preparation of stars. These will be judged for prizes.
Crib – This should
be prepared in class on Monday, December 16th and displayed on the
class cupboard. The crib should be kept in the class cupboard every evening. The
crib has to be made in a well lined plastic mesh tray which will be lent to the
class for this purpose. Statues will be given to each class. 5 boys may be
chosen for the same.
Christmas Party - On Friday, December 20th
each Class (I-X) will have its Christmas Party for about 1 hour in the
classroom. In the spirit of sharing, arrange for small groups of students to
bring in items (cake/chocolate/snack) that will be shared with the whole class
thus, all will be contributing to the party in kind.
There are a few restrictions: Benches
may not be shifted around in the classrooms. Cello-tape and double-sided
sticking tape should not be used to fix decorations on the walls (or painted/polished
surfaces). After the party, the class must be cleaned and restored to its
normal state by the students.
As coloured clothes are permitted for
the Christmas function, Students of Std. IX and X should wear long pants. suitable shirts/t-shirts in any of the
Christmas colors - red, white, green.
Carol Singing Competition
- Students are invited to form groups of 9 to 15
students across Std. V - X. Since this is an open competition students will
form their own groups and conduct practices themselves. A rehearsal will be
held on 17th December. The group entries should be submitted to one
of the teachers in charge by 13th December. (List out on a sheet of
paper, the names of the participants, name one student as the group leader and give
the group a name.) The group name has to be selected in keeping with the spirit
of Christmas. Students may select 3 to 5 carols. Each group will get a total of
21/2 mins. to perform on stage
Dance Competition - Students are invited to form groups of 6 to 10 students across Std. V - X. Since
this is an open competition students will form their own groups and conduct
practices themselves. A rehearsal will be held on 17th December. The
group entries should be submitted to one of the teachers in charge by 13th
December. (List out on a sheet of paper, the names of the participants, name
one student as the group leader and give the group a name.) The group name has
to be selected in keeping with the spirit of Christmas. Students may select a
single song or a medley of Christmas related songs. Each group will get a total
of 21/2 mins. to perform on stage.
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